perm filename JOSHI.DOC[NOT,DBL] blob sn#198230 filedate 1976-01-26 generic text, type T, neo UTF8

S Artiā‰”cial Intelligence Laboratory, STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Stanford, California 943

Telephone 415-497-1391                                            January 26, 1976
or  415-497-4971

Professor A. Joshi
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Moore School of Electrical Engineering  D2
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pa. 19174

Dear Professor Joshi,

Thank you for your prompt response of 20 January. In it, you mention my  resume. I

don't think I enclosed it with my previous letter, so I am sending it to  you now.

I hope to hear from your search committee shortly.


                                 Douglas B. Lenat

